Your journey to better health starts here

One of the best ways to stay healthy is to have a Health Check every year. A preventive Health Check (715) is offered to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people each year. Have you had yours yet?

What does it involve?

Getting a Health Check takes around 45 minutes and will consist of simple tests to make sure we identify any health issues early on so that things don’t get too serious. It’s carried out by a qualified Aboriginal Health Worker and your GP, and includes a physical assessment; blood sugar, pulse and blood pressure tests; and screening for skin, vision and hearing.

Why is it important?

A Health Check enables your Doctor to make an informed decision on your specific health care requirements. They may introduce a treatment plan (if there are any problems) and refer you to the appropriate Allied Health Professionals or Specialists necessary for your needs.

Galangoor conducts child, youth and adult health checks and encourages all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to have a 715 annually, to help you live healthy and longer lives.

To book an appointment for a health check, contact our clinic reception in Hervey Bay or Maryborough.