Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare has been providing for our community since 2008. But while our first clinic officially opened then, the ambitious dream took seed long before that.
It was the drive of Aunty Frances Gala and Aunty Coralie Ober, and their deep concerns for the indigenous communities of Hervey Bay and Maryborough that marked the beginning of an incredible journey as far back as 2002.
“This has been the dream, the strategy of the Korrawinga Aboriginal Corporation for 30 years but we had a great many other things to get going like housing, jobs and the resurrection of language and culture.
We’ve been working on this primary health care service for two years, and full on this past year. We need to make them well and make them feel comfortable in accessing a service like this and mainstream programs to avoid chronic illness in later life.”

The Late Coralie Ober - Founder

Aunty Frances Gala - Founder
We acknowledge and respect those who fought for the establishment of Galangoor Duwalami Healthcare, and continue to build on their dreams, efforts and dedication.

Our original team reunited.
We started small - with a part-time GP medical receptionist/administration officer, nurse, and trainee Aboriginal health worker and later on a general manager.
Our first clinic
Galangoor Duwalami is now the second largest Aboriginal Medical Service in Queensland with nearly 50 staff. It’s an accomplishment of which we are extremely proud. Our growth and success has only been possible through enormous hard work, dedication and passion - from a remarkable team of people.

Honouring our cultural connection was a special moment at our Maryborough Clinic opening.
2015 marked another milestone when our clinic in Maryborough opened to meet a growing demand.
As client numbers and staffing continued to increase, we relocated our Hervey Bay clinic to new purpose-built premises on Central Avenue, Pialba. The community response to the move has been extremely positive as it has improved access for our clients, and as Galangoor's clinical footprint has grown, so too has the demand for our services.

An inspiring moment for co-founder Aunty Frances, speaking at our 10th Anniversary.
Today our two clinics offer first-class facilities and a safe, nurturing and culturally sensitive environment, where our people are given every opportunity and the necessary support to manage their health and wellness.
Ours is a story of culture, commitment and community … that continues to unfold and gets better with each new chapter.
Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service was conceived by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders in Hervey Bay.
2005 : Korrawinga Aboriginal Corporation established Yama Gu a health program within Korrawinga.
2006 : An interim Board of Directors was established to oversee the initial establishment and development of the health program into a separate incorporated community-controlled organisation.
2007 : Galangoor Duwalami Primary Health Care Service was established under the auspice of Korrawinga Aboriginal Corporation.
2008 : In March of that year, Galangoor Duwalami Primary Health Care Service became incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2000.

One of our valued partners, IUIH CEO Adrian Carson, joined us to celebrate 10 years of healthy growth for Galangoor.

It wasn't just a celebration for an organisation, it was a celebration for the entire community.

A close and supportive relationship with key partners has laid a solid foundation for our journey.